Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Don't Skate in the Rain

I made the mistake of trying to skate in the rain... There are many things that can go wrong with this.First of all, every thing is slippery. Then your board absorbs water and becomes heavier. Then if your board is wet too long you can rust out your hardware and barings.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

How To Build A Skateboard Ramp

I am building a quarter pipe skateboard ramp.I am posting the steps so you can do it to. You will need: Lots and lots of wood( ply wood, around 15 long slats, fit the slats to how wide you want the ramp), a jig saw ( a skill saw will work but it is more difficult and not recommended), a hammer and a drill, nails and screws and a place to put it when it is finished.....

You want to cut the wood into this shape. Dont make it to steep because you will fall on your face when you try to go down....

Once you have the peices cut you need to drill in support beams. You need to drill them in on the bottom and the back of the ramp. Make sure the screw goes in straight. If it doesnt it will be less stable....

The support beams should go all the way down the ramp lining up along the curve of the ramp. You should also put some along the back and bottom for more stability. Then when you are done screwing those on you only have to put on the top platform and the actual ramp part. You have to measure the top so that it will fit. Then cut the wood out with the saw ( the skill saw is recommended for this part). Then nail that piece on top. Then all you have left to do is the slope....

Next you have to put on the ply wood that you will be riding on.. It will be way easier to bend it to fit the curve if you soak it in water. Put something heavy on it to bend it a little bit. Now that the wood is flexible you nail or screw it into the front of the support beams. Once you have put it on you have to sand it down so you wont get splinters if you bail... Now that every thing is done it is time to decorate. My friend and I spray painted it a dark blue color. Make sure you have enough paint. We ran out so the front isnt painted all the way yet... Now you have finished your ramp go skate!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Skating is a major part of my life. Everyday I am outside skating. I build ramps with my friends and I try to go to colleges and skate there. Colleges are the best places to skate at except you get tickets easily. My mom wouldn't be too happy if Icame home with a ticket. I wouldn't be allowed to skate there anymore either...

I think schools need to post this sign all over campus. I have been kicked out of many schools because I was skating there. Skateboarding isnt hurting anybody... unless you run into them. If you go to skate after school is out i dont think you should get in trouble for that.

This is the band called ELYSIA. they are on of my favorite bands. They are a hard core rock band. This is pretty much the only type of music i listen to. My parents hate it. They say its just noise, but I love it.

One day i was skating with my friends and this happened..... I snaped my skate board trying to do a trick. I had to save up and buy a new one. I was heart broken =( this was a good skate board.

Introducing Andrew

Hi my name is Andrew. This picture was taken in La Jolla beach. I was standing on the edge of a steep cliff. Down below was a rocky beach were there were many hermit crabs and other sea creatures. It as a fun vacation. We went snorkeling and played in the sand. When we went snokeling I saw many fish, sting rays and even a shark!!!! It was fun and I wish I could go again.